Jul 27, 2023
When venturing into entrepreneurship, it is important to recognize the value of relationships. The ability to forge meaningful connections at opportune moments can unlock opportunities that surpass our initial visions. This becomes especially true when contemplating...
Jul 14, 2023
Here’s a recent dental law case out of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court that is instructive not so much for the principles of tort law it contains, but as a cautionary tale in using patient testimonials to promote your practice. The dispute arose out of a Today...
Jul 10, 2023
With our wonderful assistant Jazzmynn headed to law school in August, we have an opening for an experienced legal assistant. If you are interested, please apply in confidence to: msm@malloyfirmmaine.comWe are a rapidly growing 2-attorney business law practice, seeking...
Jul 6, 2023
Understanding the purpose of letters of intent is an important part of the process of acquiring a business since neglecting their significance can result in legal complications down the line. While letters of intent are usually considered non-binding, you should also...
Jun 17, 2023
When professionals want to start their own practices, a fundamental question often arises: how to establish a business entity and what the right type of entity is for your endeavor. While it may seem like a basic concern, the consequences can be far-reaching. Forming...
Jun 15, 2023
While some find satisfaction in a predictable routine and working for others, some aspire for something more—a vision that can transform their lives beyond their wildest dreams. To craft the life and practice you truly desire, you have to be willing to venture beyond...