The Hidden Impacts of Non-Compete Agreements (Part 3)

Non-compete agreements have become a common tool for safeguarding interests in the world of business strategies; however, what if an alternative approach holds more promise?  Often, the limitations imposed by traditional non-compete agreements can stifle...

The Hidden Impact of Non-Compete Agreements (Part 2)

In today’s corporate landscape, non-compete agreements have become familiar, extending their reach beyond the corporate world to professional practices like dental offices and medical practices. However, potential game-changers are on the horizon as Congress has...

Importance of Due Diligence in a Closing a Sales Transaction

Are you considering buying or selling a  business? Do not overlook the role of due diligence, whether it is a concrete plan or a potential future endeavor. Many buyers encounter obstacles when acquiring a property due to sellers failing to conduct thorough due...

Making the Most of Relationships in Business

When venturing into entrepreneurship, it is important to recognize the value of relationships. The ability to forge meaningful connections at opportune moments can unlock opportunities that surpass our initial visions. This becomes especially true when contemplating...

A Cautionary Tale of Using Patient Testimonials in Advertising

Here’s a recent dental law case out of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court that is instructive not so much for the principles of tort law it contains, but as a cautionary tale in using patient testimonials to promote your practice. The dispute arose out of a Today...