All Natural PPP Enhancement

As it’s been widely reported, today the House added its approval for the next round of PPP loan funding, sending the bill to the President for signature. Here’s a link to the bill, which increases funding for PPP loans under the SBA 7(a) program from $349...

FFCRA Paid Leave and More Clarity for Employers

Two weeks in, we know a lot more about the paid leave requirements under the COVID-19 legislation, and the news is generally good for small employers and healthcare-related businesses. I wanted to do a longer update to share some thoughts on how this has progressed,...

Links for MDA Webinar Resources

Here are some important resources that will be covered in our upcoming Maine Dental Association webinar. If you would like a copy of the slide deck, please submit your contact information here and in the question field, type “MDA Slides” and I will be...

COVID-19 Paid Leave: Status of Small Employer Exemption

I gotta say, I’m pretty cheesed at our national leaders who say they’re doing everything to help small businesses, and who then pass a paid sick and family leave bill that ONLY targets small businesses with less than 500 employees. So while Wal-Mart...