Unraveling the Role of Title Insurance with Brendan Barry

Title insurance may seem inconspicuous in a real estate transaction, but it is a crucial element in the purchase. Its significance extends beyond the sale’s completion, safeguarding the policy holder if issues surface later. On this episode of Private Practices...

015: Mastering Real Estate Title with Brendan Barry

Reviewing the title is one of the biggest items in closing a real estate deal. There are many types of deeds, and understanding the ins and outs of the one that applies to your situation is critical. On this episode of Private Practices in Maine, Michael welcomes...

014: Decoding Title Insurance with Brendan T. Barry

While title insurance may seem like a small component in a real estate transaction, it is one of the most important pieces of the real estate transaction puzzle. It protects the policy holder even after the sale is completed if issues arise. On this episode of Private...

The Business of Happiness with Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy

In the fast-paced world of professional practice, emotions are often pushed aside in favor of relentless dedication to one’s work. However, in this episode of Private Practices in Maine, Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy reveals the hidden power of acknowledging and...

Intricacies of Private Practice Financing with Rob Westhoven (Part 2)

Choosing where to borrow money for your practice can have a significant impact, and community-based banks offer unique advantages that set them apart from large corporate banks. One of these advantages is their holistic approach to lending, where they consider the...