Intricacies of Private Practice Financing with Rob Westhoven (Part 2)

Choosing where to borrow money for your practice can have a significant impact, and community-based banks offer unique advantages that set them apart from large corporate banks. One of these advantages is their holistic approach to lending, where they consider the...

Intricacies of Private Practice Financing with Rob Westhoven (Part 1)

Turning professional aspirations into thriving businesses is a common dream for many licensed professionals. However, navigating the path from vision to reality can be hazy and challenging. In the most recent episode of Private Practices in Maine, Michael introduces a...

The Hidden Impacts of Non-Compete Agreements (Part 3)

Non-compete agreements have become a common tool for safeguarding interests in the world of business strategies; however, what if an alternative approach holds more promise?  Often, the limitations imposed by traditional non-compete agreements can stifle...

The Hidden Impact of Non-Compete Agreements (Part 2)

In today’s corporate landscape, non-compete agreements have become familiar, extending their reach beyond the corporate world to professional practices like dental offices and medical practices. However, potential game-changers are on the horizon as Congress has...

Importance of Due Diligence in a Closing a Sales Transaction

Are you considering buying or selling a  business? Do not overlook the role of due diligence, whether it is a concrete plan or a potential future endeavor. Many buyers encounter obstacles when acquiring a property due to sellers failing to conduct thorough due...